Winner of National Tourism Award 2013 - 2014
We are honored to receive the ' National Tourism Award by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, 2013- 14 ' for MAGADH Travels & Tours Pvt. Ltd. Left to Right: Dr. Pranab Mukherjee, President of India presenting the award to Mr. Anuj Kumar, Managing Director of MAGADH Travels & Tours Pvt. Ltd.

Winner of National Tourism Award 2014 - 2015
We are honored to receive the ' National Tourism Award by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, In Center Mr. Mahesh Sharma Minister of State ( I / C ) for Tourism & Culture, Mrs. Sumitra Mahajan, The Speaker, Parliament of India, Presenting Award to Mrs Sushma Singh Directors of MAGADH Travels & Tours (P) Ltd.

Recognized by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India.
I/We solemnly pledge and reiterate our commitment to conduct our business in a manner that befits the culture and ethos of our rich and ancient civilization, and the tolerant and accommodating nature of our multicultural society and protects all individuals, especially women and children from all derogatory acts which are contrary to the spirit of our country. We hereby commit to abide by the Code of Conduct for Safe and Honourable Tourism.

Membership of Thai Travel Agents Association (TTAA).
Established in 1984 under the name "Travel Agents Association (TAA), In 1991, the name of the TAA was changed to be the Thai Travel Agents Association or TTAA, which is still presently used. This reflects TTAA as being a travel association in Thailand and having a meaning that increasingly covers the tour business.

Membership of Government of India Ministry of Tourism.
The Ministry of Tourism, is the nodal agency for the formulation of national policies and programs and for the co-ordination of activities of various Central Government Agencies, State Governments/UTs and the Private Sector for the development and promotion of tourism in the country.

Membership of Indian Association of Tour Operators.
The Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO) is the National apex body of the tourism industry. It has over 4000 members covering all segments of Tourism Industry. Established in 1982, IATO today has international acceptance, and linkages. It has close connections and constant interaction with other Tourism Associations in US, Nepal and Indonesia, where USTOA , NATO and ASITA are its member bodie.

Membership of Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA).
The PATA India Chapter was established in 1974 with a handful of members. It has grown to include 236 members and is one of the most dynamic Chapters in the Asia Pacific region today. With major support from the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India which is the main and largest PATA India member organization, the Chapter includes State Tourism Boards, Carriers, Hotels, Travel Agents, Tour Operators.

Membership of Travel Agents Association OF India (TAAI).
The TRAVEL AGENTS ASSOCIATION OF INDIA (TAAI) was formed towards the end of the year 1951 by a group of twelve leading travel agents, who felt the time had come to create an Association to regulate the travel industry in India along organized lines and in accordance with sound business principles. The primary purpose was to protect the interests of those engaged in the industry.